Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Town In The Sea

By Insaan

                       Once in a sea so lonly lived a animal named Mr.Frony. He lived in a cave and all he could eat
                        was a lilly ly lave . Before there was a big town until came the lilly ly low he was the one who
                        owend his hoard of lilly ly loney.Everybody wanted it but it cost too much so they tried to
                        run him out of town but he ran them out of town.Ever sence then he's been Mr.frowny and
                         keeps his lilly. ly. loney!  


  1. Insaan, I really like how you used alliteration in your poem with all of the l's. You also came up with some good silly words. Great work!
    -Ms. Grojean

  2. I like how you used aliteration and I like it to

  3. Insaan, You used so many poetry skills that we studied! Way to go! I love the silliness of your writing.
    Love, Mrs. Armstrong

  4. Dear insaan,
    I love how you used a funny name!
    I love all the alliteration too!
    I love your story!
