Tuesday, March 29, 2011


By Mary

Berries and berries of all different kinds,
With little heads and little smart minds.
With little short legs so lively,
If you ate them you could probobly dievly.
They have short little arms and smart little hands,
Those hads are so smart they could climb up your pants.
Berries and berries the story's all done,
Now eat some more berries and have some more fun!


  1. Mary, your poem made me laugh! I could just picture those little berries running around. Nice job on the rhyming words!
    -Ms. Grojean

  2. OMG thats so cute! I love it. Not just how you rhymed but how you had so much creattivite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I also liked how you made up somewords.
    your friend Eva

  3. Mary, I LOVED your poem. You really used your imagination in writing it. I hope that you will illustrate it. I want to see what you imagine those silly berries looking like.
    Love, Mrs. Armstrong

  4. Mary, you are creative! (I've always known that) You are also an excellent writer! Thanks for sharing your funny, wonderful poem with me!
    Love, Mom

  5. Good job, Mary!
    Your poem is so cute, I can really imagine these berries move quickly and happily like funny little creatures!

  6. I forgot to sign my comment, sorry. This is Bea's mom. A big fan of your poem!

  7. GREAT JOB! I really like it! Your poem rocks!


  8. Oh my! I'm not sure I want to eat berries any longer! What a great poem, Mary. Thanks for writing it.

    Mrs. Caldwell

  9. Dear Mary,
    I love your poem I can just amagian those little arms and legs!
    I din't know berries had minds!
    Bea and Lele
    p.s Lele thinks it's dalisios!
