Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Green eggs & ham

By Theano
Sam I am I do not like green eggs & ham.What about in  a gym with a him or at the zoo with a who.I will not with a him or a who I will not eat them at the zoo.Will you eat them at a park or will you eat them on  an ark.Sam I am let me be I will not eat them on  a tree.Will you eat them on the moon or will you eat them with a spoon.I will not eat them on the moon.If I tell Dr.Sues will you eat them with who's.Maybe then I will have them.Dr.sues these are so delicous and I'm eating them with who's


  1. Theano, I really like how you made up your own version of Green Eggs and Ham. You did a nice job using your own rhyming words. Good work!
    -Ms. Grojean

  2. Theano, I really like your poem because you made up different places and things to eat on or eat with.You did very good!!!!!!!!


  3. Theano, I liked how you spoke to Dr. Seuss in your poem. Do you like green eggs and ham? Would you eat them on the moon? I would! I am very proud of your writing.
    Love, Mrs. Armstrong
