Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Green eggs and ham By Arianna

I'm cam  Cam I am .do you like green eggs and ham?  No I don't cam I am.  Would you eat  them in  a  box  would you eat them with  a fox ? I would  not eat them in a box and I would not eat them with  a  fox


  1. Arianna, I can see you used Dr. Seuss's story as your inspiration, but changed it a little to make it your own version. Good work!

  2. I think you did a good copy of green eggs and ham. I like it.Isaac.

  3. Ari, I like your version of Green Eggs and Ham. I would not eat them with a fox either. : ) I am proud that you used some of your own ideas.
    Love, Mrs. Armstrong

  4. I like the name cam I do I do cam I am! Good job!
